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Trying Caddy
Migrate and Upgrade GitLab
pythonoid: Emulating the Python CLI in Python
cosmofy 0.1.0
Google Drive Links: Thunar and Finder
Google Drive Links: rclone
Radiology & AI
How to package a python project with Cosmopolitan
How long do commands run?
Changed My Mind: Lifecycle Events and call-style Tasks
Formatting Bash Commands
ds 1.3.0
ds 1.0.0
ds 0.1.3
Stop Hiding Python Dev Dependencies
2024-07-05 Weeknotes
Screenshot Thumbnails
Trying pagefind
Generating Audiobooks
Maximum He HaShe'elah
Trying Firefox
Sharing NFS Between GCP Projects
castfit 0.1.0
freshlinks 1.0.0
Access type hints in python
DALL-E: Reel-to-Reel
LLMs for Tip-of-the-Tongue Search
Transcript: ChatGPT with DALL-E
Why I prefer pnpm over npm
Problem: Infinite Mail Logs
Preventing link rot
Non-Consecutive Mappiq He
Consecutive Mappiq He
Google Drive Links: Workspace Add-on
Google Clasp
Problem: Google Drive Links
Add a non-boot disk
2023-06-06 Weeknotes
Trying whisperX
1 hour to make a visual schedule (Design Lab #1)
apt segfault
pdfmerge 1.0.0
attrbox 0.1.2
PEP 8 Thoughts (2023)
Fun with Python Mapping
2023-05-21 Weekend Notes
ezq 3.0.0
SSH on Airplane WiFi
Adding a table of contents
2023-05-14 Weekend Notes
Adventures in Eleventy
Time is a Box
3D Printing
The Skin Gun
Review: Drive
Genome Compiler
Environmental Reliability
Economics of Dueling
Zone of Proximal Development
Endowment Effect
Parkinson's Law
The Future Takes Time
Hacking New Senses
Security Theater
Review: Paradox of Choice
Classic Software Development Mistakes
Rats as Detectors
Teaching Creative Thinking
Misunderstanding Email
Reader Question: How do fireworks work?
Applied Game Theory
Focus on a Purpose to Inspire Action
Asking the Naive Question
Review: Stop Stealing Dreams
Little Albert
Code Review: metadash
Enjoying the Process
Deferred Gratification
The Dark Side of Meta
Reset to a Known State
Anscombe's Quartet
Patient Problem Solving
Khan Academy
Quality v. Quantity
Classical Music as a Punishment
Boredom & Distraction
Get Paying Customers First
The Briefcase Technique
Metaist, Now with More Metaist
Dr. Tae on Teaching and Learning
Pi v. Tau
Reader Question: How do geological layers work?
Reader Post: Spicy Food
Nobody Likes a Goody Two-Shoes
Dry Water
Indigo Children
Forer Effect
Prisoner's Dilemma
Effective Apologies
Meanness & Executive Pay
Babies & Morality
Facilitated Communication
Ideomotor Effect
Take The Metaist 2010 Survey! [Closed]
Reader Story: Circular Learning Management System
Reader Question: How is yogurt made?
Cold War Continues in North Korea
Reader Review: The Checklist Manifesto
Google Chrome is Fast
Origin: Drink From a Fire Hose
Synthetic Happiness
Seedless Fruit
Disease Screening & Base Rate Fallacy
Review: The Autonomy of Mathematical Knowledge
The Arnell Group & PepsiCo
Reader Question: Brushing & Curling
Clever Hans Effect
First Instinct Fallacy
Cargo Cults
Pentatonic Scale
Placebo Effect
fMRI & False Positives
Dihydrogen Monoxide
Conference: Biological Foundations of Morality
The Mindless Ginkgo
The Dilute Homeopathy
The Perceptive Lintgen
The Deceptive Hydrick
The Amazing Randi
Inattentional Blindness
Wireless Electricity
Electromagnetic Induction
Thinking About Other People's Thoughts
Crowdsourcing & Crowd Wisdom
Vending Machines for Crows
Playgrounds that Generate Electricity
Chiropractic Destroyed from Within
Fear of Spiders and Snakes
Punctuation Marks
Gambling & Insurance Policies
Rules, Discretion, Appeals & Audit
Boredom & Body Language
Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation
Review: Economics in One Lesson
Arrow's Impossibility Theorem
Zeno's Paradox
Reader Question: What is Google Wave?
Dan Bull Sings Open Letters
Russell's Paradox
The Importance of Numeracy
Computational Theory for Lawyers
Review: I Will Teach You To Be Rich
Advances in Printer Ink
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Pomodoro Technique
Discontent Grows with Google: Wave, Closure and Go
Inbox Zero
Psychological Barriers
Easy Big Wins
Zombies in Math and Literature
Fairness: Equity, Equality and Relative Need
Pareto Efficiency