How long do commands run?
One of the most remarkable things about uv
is just how fast it is. In fact, Charlie Marsh and the Astral team have been such an inspiration, that I got curious about how long commands take.
So I did the natural thing and updated my ~/.bashrc
(I'll update my .zshrc
soon) to change my prompt to display the number of milliseconds the previous command took.
At the very top of the file, I define a variable to hold the current time in nanoseconds. Putting this here lets me know how long the .bashrc
itself takes to run.
Then I used preexec()
to record the start time of every command. To make this work properly, you need to download bash-preexec
Finally, I used PROMPT_COMMAND
which will get called to produce my prompt. To add a splash of color (i.e. red if the previous command failed), I used brush
Putting it all together:
# very top of ~/.bashrc
_time_cmd=$(date +%s%N)
# <snip>
source ~/.local/bin/brush
preexec() { # record command start time
_time_cmd=$(date +%s%N)
__prompt_command() {
local code="$?" # must be first line in this function
PS1="\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n" # set terminal title
# <snip>
# add run time of previous command (in red if error)
PS1+="$(brush reset)"
if [[ "$code" != "0" ]]; then
PS1+=$(brush bgRed)
PS1+=$(( ( $(date +%s%N) - $_time_cmd ) / 1000000 ))ms
PS1+="$(brush reset)"
# <snip>
PS1+="\n\$ "
# <snip>
source ~/ # must be last import
# very bottom