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Preventing link rot

Rebooting the blog reminded me that one worry I often have is dealing with link rot.

Rough Idea #

Attempt 1: Naive Approach #

Let's get this working in the most straightforward way first.

# lib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

def main():
    BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8080"
    target = "http://localhost:8080/blog"

    todo, done = [], {}

    while todo:
        link = todo.pop()
        if link in done:
        # link is new

            req = requests.get(link, timeout=3)
            done[link] = dict(code=req.status_code)
            print(f"{req.status_code} {link}")
            if req.status_code != 200:
        except Exception as e:
            done[link] = dict(code="ERR")
            print(f"ERR {link}", e)
        # link is good

        if not link.startswith(target):
        # link should be scraped

        soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, features="html.parser")
        for tag in"[src],[href]"):
            next_link = ""
            if "src" in tag.attrs:
                next_link = tag["src"]
            elif "href" in tag.attrs:
                next_link = tag["href"]

            if next_link.startswith("#"):  # ignore fragments
            elif next_link.startswith("/"):
                next_link = f"{BASE_URL}{next_link}"

            if next_link:

if __name__ == "__main__":

This takes about 6 minutes to run on my locally-hosted version of my blog. Kinda slow, but a fine start. I also discover that my port to eleventy missed an important variable.

Attempt 2: Naive Parallel #

Normally, I'd reach for ezq to do this processing in parallel except that todo grows as you scrape, so there's not obvious place to send the END_MSG. Who should notify workers they are done?

# lib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from multiprocess import Manager
import ezq
import requests

BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8080"

def is_alive(link, done):
    ok, req = True, None
        req = requests.get(link, timeout=3)
        done[link] = dict(code=req.status_code)
        print(f"{req.status_code} {link}")
        if req.status_code != 200:
            ok = False
    except Exception as e:
        ok = False
        done[link] = dict(code="ERR")
        print(f"ERR {link}", e)
    return ok, req

def add_links(req, todo):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, features="html.parser")
    for tag in"[src],[href]"):
        next_link = ""
        if "src" in tag.attrs:
            next_link = tag["src"]
        elif "href" in tag.attrs:
            next_link = tag["href"]

        if next_link.startswith("#"):  # ignore fragments
        elif next_link.startswith("/"):
            next_link = f"{BASE_URL}{next_link}"

        if next_link:

def worker(todo: list, done: dict):
    while todo:
        link = todo.pop()
        if link in done:
        # link is new

        ok, req = is_alive(link, done)
        if not ok:
        # link is good

        if not link.startswith(BASE_URL):
        # link should be scraped

        add_links(req, todo)

def main():
    with Manager() as manager:
        todo, done = manager.list(), manager.dict()

        _, req = is_alive(f"{BASE_URL}/blog", done)
        add_links(req, todo)

        for w in [, todo, done) for _ in range(ezq.NUM_CPUS)]:

if __name__ == "__main__":

This takes about 40 seconds. I do find the ezq wrappers are still nicer than creating Process objects, but now there are a few race conditions:

Approach 3: Parallel with Sleeps #

So now we protect (a little bit) against .pop from an empty list and from a worker ending early by adding sleep to the top and bottom of the for loop. We also restructure the continue statements so that we don't accidentally end too early.

# native
from time import sleep

# lib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from multiprocess import Manager
import ezq
import requests

BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8080"

def is_alive(link, done):
    ok, req = True, None
        req = requests.get(link, timeout=3)
        done[link] = dict(code=req.status_code)
        print(f"{req.status_code} {link}")
        if req.status_code != 200:
            ok = False
    except Exception as e:
        ok = False
        done[link] = dict(code="ERR")
        print(f"ERR {link}", e)
    return ok, req

def add_links(text):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(text, features="html.parser")
    for tag in"[src],[href]"):
        next_link = ""
        if "src" in tag.attrs:
            next_link = tag["src"]
        elif "href" in tag.attrs:
            next_link = tag["href"]

        if next_link.startswith("#"):  # ignore fragments
        elif next_link.startswith("/"):
            next_link = f"{BASE_URL}{next_link}"

        if next_link:
            yield next_link

def worker(todo: list, done: dict):
    while todo:
        if not todo:

        link = todo.pop()
        if link not in done:  # new link
            done[link] = None  # prevent other workers
            ok, req = is_alive(link, done)
            if ok and link.startswith(BASE_URL):  # scrape this link
                for item in add_links(req.content):
                    if item not in done:  # only add new links

        if not todo:  # maybe we're all done

def main():
    with Manager() as manager:
        todo, done = manager.list(), manager.dict()

        _, req = is_alive(f"{BASE_URL}/blog", done)
        for link in add_links(req.content):

        for w in [, todo, done) for _ in range(ezq.NUM_CPUS)]:

if __name__ == "__main__":

This also takes about 40 seconds but with fewer differences in output from the initial naive version.

Approach 4: Process the content type #

Now that I've set up the skeleton, I'm noticing that there are bunch of content errors including trying to parse XML (Atom Feed) and getting lots of 403 responses. We can do a little better by processing the content-type.

# native
from time import sleep
import re

# lib
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from multiprocess import Manager
import ezq
import requests

BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8080"

    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"

RE_CSS_IMPORT = re.compile(r"""@import ["']([^"']+)""", re.MULTILINE)
RE_CSS_URL = re.compile(r"url\s*\(\s*([^)]+)\s*\)", re.MULTILINE)

def is_alive(link, done):
    ok, req = True, None
        req = requests.get(link, timeout=3, headers=HEADERS)
        done[link] = dict(code=req.status_code)
        print(f"{req.status_code} {link}")
        if req.status_code != 200:
            ok = False
    except Exception as e:
        ok = False
        done[link] = dict(code="ERR")
        print(f"ERR {link}", e)
    return ok, req

def get_css_links(req):
    text = req.text
    for pattern in [RE_CSS_IMPORT, RE_CSS_URL]:
        for link in pattern.findall(text):
            yield link

def get_xhtml_links(soup):
    for tag in"[src],[href]"):
        if "src" in tag.attrs:
            yield tag["src"]
        elif "href" in tag.attrs:
            yield tag["href"]

def add_links(req):
    ctype = req.headers["Content-Type"]
    if ctype.startswith("text/css") or req.url.endswith(".css"):
        links = get_css_links(req)
    elif ctype.startswith("text/xml") or req.url.endswith(".xml"):
        links = get_xhtml_links(BeautifulSoup(req.content, features="xml"))
        links = get_xhtml_links(BeautifulSoup(req.content, features="html.parser"))

    for link in links:
        if (
            link.startswith("#")  # fragment
            or link.startswith("mailto:")  # email
            or link.startswith("data:")  # base64-encoded data

        if link.startswith("/"):
            link = f"{BASE_URL}{link}"

        # TODO: add relative links

        if link:
            yield link

def worker(todo: list, done: dict):
    while todo:
        if not todo:

        link = todo.pop()
        if link not in done:  # new link
            done[link] = None  # prevent other workers
            ok, req = is_alive(link, done)
            if ok and link.startswith(BASE_URL):  # scrape this link
                for item in add_links(req):
                    if item not in done:  # only add new links

        if not todo:  # maybe we're all done

def main():
    with Manager() as manager:
        todo, done = manager.list(), manager.dict()

        _, req = is_alive(f"{BASE_URL}/blog", done)
        for link in add_links(req):

        for w in [, todo, done) for _ in range(ezq.NUM_CPUS)]:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Open Tasks #

Updates #

2023-11-28 #

2023-11-28 #